Roller coaster Bike rental

Viennese Prater, 1020 Vienna
Entrance von Prater Hauptallee | Near Schweizerhaus
Phon.: 01 / 7295888
terms and conditions

terms and conditions

terms and conditions | Bicycle hire

The rented vehicles are always the responsibility of the lien creditor and are reset at the end of the rental period. The deposit (ID) is only after returning the Leihgegenstandes (rented item/s) to the bike rental and payment of the rent refunded including any damage to be cleared. The lien serves to secure the settlement of all claims as to the identity and the incident.

For damages or breakdowns on the rented property during the lease period is not entitled to credit.

For damages by the tenant during the lease to persons or property caused by our vehicles, be liable, not the bike rental.

Our vehicles are only awarded for a deposit (valid passport or an equivalent official identification).

The pledgor is liable to the bike rental for all vehicles rented on the lien.

The Pledgor shall be liable for any damage to the bike rental vehicles that are caused by improper use.

The customer shall be liable to for all vehicles from the use of third party damages.

The observance of traffic rules in the current version is the responsibility of the customer. For damages resulting from a breach by the customer can not be made to the bike rental receivables.

The use of child seats is voluntary and free of charge on request of the customer and at their own risk. For any resulting damage to persons or property not liable to the bike rental roller coaster.

By accepting the terms and conditions of the vehicle, the bike rental roller coaster, 1020 Vienna, Prater 113 are accepted by the customer.


Rickshaws may be used by the specified maximum number of persons (see price list). In the rickshaw child seats a maximum of 2 children allowed to sit kg to 20mg. The vehicles will be leased only to Pledgor over 14 years.

The rickshaw-riding is permitted only on flat, paved roads. The speed should be selected so that a timely halt to persons or possible obstacles. Skidding, overturning, wild driving and driving with more than the vehicle provided for the people, regardless of the rent and any damages to be charged at a premium of up to EUR 25, - will be charged.

This also applies to people attaching to the rickshaw front, side or rear.